Sunday, December 16, 2007

Slippey Slidey Slippey Slidey Slippey Slidey Fall

So i went sledding for my first time. On real snow. I got onto my sled and my dad pushed me. DOWN THE STREET! I was terrified at first but then I started going and WHEEEEEEEEEEEE. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fun. My sister, her friend Aly, our friends brother, my daddy, and I were all sledding. The street curves to the right and left so you end up in the snow covered gutter. We watched the snow plow come by and sighed. But the snow plow made it MORE icey. I know you think ice bad snow good but the ice makes you go faster down the hill. So we brought out the other sled. A blow up one and we had races. On the first time I went down the hill on the blow up one.... I almost ran into a car. BAD IDEA DADDY! He pushed me towards the car and I almost ran into it. Then we packed up and went home. Then Ben came over and we made ginger cookies. We had them with really good milk. THEY WERE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Then we all wnet to bed.

Saturday, December 15, 2007